Exhaust Bolt and Spring. Flange Bolt Exhaust Pipe. Cover Exhaust Flange (Front, Rear, Lower, Outer).

Part Number: 44059AA010
Supersession(s): 44205KA180; 44205KA190; 44205KA200

Bolt. Exhaust Pipe Complete. Gasket. NO.1. NO.2. Self Locking Nut. which is a specially designed shouldered. It is designed to Bottom against The Flange. which preserves The springs force (acting as a Locking Measure). compressing it. which (Can) Lead to failures during The High Temperature cycles found in Exhaust. These s always Mount Through the Flange. An Exhaust is a specialized Fastener designed to secure various components of an Exhaust System. including The Manifold. Catalytic Converter. and Exhaust Pipes.

FLANGE BOLT-EXHAUST PIPE Exhaust Bolt and SpringExhaust Bolt

With a Nut on The backside. or matching Spring and Nut. Not For (Over). Exhaust System (Complete)

Diagram EXHAUST for your 2021 Subaru Impreza
Required: 2
Diagram EXHAUST for your 2021 Subaru Impreza
Required: 2

Dalton Subaru National City

2829 National City Blvd., National City, CA, 91950

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